Monday, March 26, 2012

To mscot

Hi there,

I wanted to tell you welcome to my blog. I was wondering how you found it. :)

Also I will try to start posting here once in a while. Things have been so crazy here.

Do you do family history? I' d love to hear about it. Or you can let me know what you were interested in finding out about it if you haven't got started. :)

Gotta run, Take care

1 comment:

  1. hi again,I wasn't sure which one of your sites to answer to. I do have a family tree. a great great grand daughter of my grandfather did a complete one on my fathers site. we also have a bit on moms history which includes a lot of nuns from Europe,I thought that different but don't know why,I went to a catholic school and often thought I would love to be a nun and to serve God
